Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 3 of VLCD, Day 6 of HCG

So today is the 3rd day of the very low calorie diet. My "time of the month" ended up starting yesterday, so that could explain the no weight loss for the first day and it seems to have made it a little harder to stick to the diet today. I have more cravings and feel a tiny bit more hungry. Nothing I can't get past with a little determination. However, I did lose a pound yesterday and was 137.2 when I stepped on the scale this morning, yay!

Today I had tea for breakfast (I've been drinking green tea with a little bit of stevia). Late morning I had 1 melba toast and some strawberries. For lunch at about 1:30 I had 3.5 oz of chicken flavored with lemon juice, garlic salt and pepper (yum!). Shortly after this I had a romaine lettuce salad with some dressing I made this morning with lemon juice, balsalmic vinegar, garlic salt and pepper. It was a little tart but pretty good. For a snack around 4:30 I had another melba toast and some strawberries. For dinner around 7:30 I had 3.5 oz of steak (flavored with garlic salt and pepper) and a cucumber with the salad dressing I had made.

I've been trying to up my water instead of just drinking tea throughout the day, but I need to work on that more. Overall it's going quite well. I can already tell Thursday (which will be day 6 of VLCD) will be hard because I just found out we're having a pizza party at work. Pizza is my absolute favorite food, so it's going to be hard to deal with. I wish I could just take that day off... :(

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