Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 7

133.6! Yay! I lost 1.2 lbs, despite my cheating! I still hope the cheating doesn't come back and bite me in the butt later, but for now it was worth it!

So, starting out today I had a tiny bit of coffee with 1 tablespoon of milk. I would've had more because I'm so tired but the coffee wasn't very good, so I just drank a couple sips. I had my tea and some melba toast.

For lunch I kind of split it up. I'm not sure if this is cheating or not but I had 1/2 cup of non-fat cottage cheese with strawberries (sooo good!) and 1/2 of my chicken (about 1.5 oz). I'm not sure if that's "allowed" on the diet or not, but it works for me. I also had another melba toast.

For dinner I had 3.5 oz of steak and more tea. I totally missed the veggies and never ended up having my other fruit. I then, AGAIN, drank wine (it's been a really rough week, but that's no excuse). We shall see what toll this takes...

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